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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

not in a row

Feb/27-374,Feb/28-371, total so far 5946

A friend of mine asked if I was doing these chin ups and push ups in a row. He had kind of a "you don't look like you can do 300 push ups" look on his face. Am I doing the push ups in a row>? Hardly. When I started I could hardly do 20 push ups in a row and couldn't do 5 chins. Now I start with a set of 30 push ups wait 30 seconds and then do 5 chins. I keep repeating until I have done a couple hundred. Pretty quickly the sets of push ups are down to sets of 2o,15 and lots of sets of 10. Chin ups are the same -sets of 5 become 4's and 3's. 300 chins and push ups take me about a half an hour. If I am on a roll I might finish with some deep knee bends and some crunches. Days where I am up around 500 usually means I was ambitious enough to get a workout in the morning and one in the evening. I saw a workout on evil russians push up workout. Basically you do so many push ups every half hour or every hour. I think I will give it a try when I get a few days off. I can't imagine stopping at work to drop and do some push ups. My wife is already starting to think I have obsessive compulsive disorder-so I will give it some time.

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