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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

500 push ups a day

Oct 2-218,oct3-156,oct4-264,oct5-264

total push ups/chins 369,947

Push up/chin up numbers this week haven't been too bad considering the fact that I am trying to get back into the routine of daily workouts again. I would like to get the numbers a little higher on a daily basis -but my right elbow is a bit tender. I think the pain is related to just getting my body used to doing a high number of daily repetitions of body weight exercise. I heard on the radio today that the way Simon Cowell stays in shape is a regimen of 500 push ups a day. I know from experience that I can pound out 500 or so a day- I am going to listen to my body as I drive the volume back up again. No sense blowing out an elbow. If I have to do one arm push up or chin ups everyday- my daily numbers will be even lower (if any at all).

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