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Sunday, March 16, 2008

push ups saved his life

Mar-15-665, total 78,250
weight 202, bf %22
calories left to burn 51995

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.Vince Lombardi
Well lack of will-or lack of willpower seems to be a factor for me these days. In January I started counting down calories ( total calories burned minus total calories eaten) to the point where I should weigh about 185. Overall I have lost about 7 or 8 pounds (depending on what day I weigh in-or what time of day). Most days I burn more than I eat.And most days I log a good number of push ups/chin ups. However I am finding it hard to get and stay below the 200 pound barrier. It doesn't appear to mysterious- I seem to have a habit of getting to the 200 mark and then having a day or so were I eat everything in sight and blow the calorie count in the wrong direction. Day before yesterday it was two helpings of lasagna at lunch followed by chinese food for dinner. The exercise is going great most days I am getting and hour or more of working out in. Mostly working out with Cathy and the kids-some push-ups and chins and some weights. Most days I do some push ups myself as well. I will stay the course-maybe try to bump up the push ups/chin up numbers a bit on a daily basis. Yesterday was a really good day-was aiming for 1000 during the day-but 665 will do.
Below is the link from Stowe Boyd's blog where he claims push ups saved his life.

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