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Sunday, June 22, 2008

over 107k

June17-382,June19-450 june 21-476 total push ups and chins 107,889
weight 202 bf%21
calories left to burn 58715

Louis Pasteur:
Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

As you can see my weight or the calories left to burn to my goal of 185 pounds doesn't seem to be plumetting downward. Howhever I am still getting some pretty decent push up and chin ups totals in at least half of the days of the week. Work being a little crazy and a lot of travel for work is affecting my workouts. Nonetheless as I mentioned about half the time I am getting some good workouts in. I have the words "push ups" as a keyword in google alerts and I am surprised how many people are posting on thier blogs that the are doing the 100 push ups program on this site: Good luck to all those people trying the program

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