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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

1012 push ups

FEB 3-122 ,Feb 4-1012

total push ups/chins 158,154

weight 201.6 bf% 21.9

Found a new site that I have posted the link to over in the left hand column. It is called give me twenty seven ( ). The creator of the website quotes this New York Times article as the idea behind the website;
The idea is that based on national averages (U.S I am assuming) that the average forty year old man should be able to do 27 push ups in one set. With my new year goal of being able to do sets of one hundred push ups-I tested myself today. I can now do a set of 56 push ups straight-new record-awesome. Anyway the website is not a bad idea -you can track your push ups-compare to previous records, averages etc. On another note it was a good day for push ups. I did over one thousand. A couple of sets of 50's and lots and lots of sets of ten. It took me just over an hour. Not bad-I won't be setting any world records all that soon-but not bad for a guy in his forties.


Unknown said...

Awesome! Thanks for using I'm the guy who made the site. I'm thrilled you find it useful.

I was super impressed with your first day...1012 push-ups. By far the most recorded on the site for a single day.

Thanks again for the write up. See you at


LarryMat said...

Great website. First day I was out of town in a hotel. Had not a lot to do-so thought I would go for 1000