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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

One Skinny Bastard Week

Aug 18-1006,Aug19-873,Aug22-1057,Aug23-1257,aug24-1041
total push up/chins 313,840
weight 189.7 %bf 18.5
I had a better week for push ups and chins. Couple of days north of 1000 reps. Since returning from holidays I have gone a little bit over a week "meat free". It hasn't been too bad- no cravings. I am not sure if full "vegan is in the cards,but I think I could manage vegetarian with out a lot of problem. The skinny bitches are really against artificial sweeteners. I drink a lot of coffee (which incidently they are not too keen on either) so have used sweetners so that I don't drink hundreds of calories of sugar each day. Well last week was meat, this week I eliminated sweeteners. As per the "bitches" recommendations -I have been using molasses ( which kind of tastes like drinking a ginger snap every time you drink a coffee) and raw sugar. My weight is slowly going back down -post holiday feastfest- however not quickly. I will probably need to elimate a lot more crap from my diet to notice a big change. However eliminating meat makes you think a little more creatively about your meals. Or I should say Cathy has been a little more creative with our main ,sit down together as a family meal. Typically Friday night is fast food Friday-that will definately take a little creativity. Hitting a 1000 push ups and chins a day has been a bit of a challenge, but to hit a half a million by New Years I need to average 1432 push ups/chins a day-that is a tall order. I am going for it. I may need to ice my elbows and shoulders every night- but what's life without a challenge. Wish me luck.

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