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Tuesday, January 4, 2011


total push ups/chins 341,489
weight 198.8 bf% 22.6
I had expected my lean body mass reading on the scale to rebound a bit today. My bf% is down a little since last weigh in and my overall weight is down a bit. However I was expecting a little more drastic change. My Lose it app tells me over the last week I did 25 minutes of weight training, 90 minutes of walking on the treadmill and 15 minutes on the heavy bag. As of today's weigh in I am up about 1/2 pound of lean mass since my Dec 20th weigh in. The results according to my Tanita body fat scale have been up and down over the past two weeks. Although the truth be told I have made a little progress with a little over two hours of working out a week. Typically I have been trying to workout out 90 minutes a day. I suppose what this tells me is that I can make progress by working out less than a quarter of the time I had been working out. A typical day would have included about an hour of push ups and/or chins and maybe some weights. After this I would try to do another 30 minutes to an hour of cardio-some running, rowing ,heavy bag or skipping. So really I have spent about half the time over a whole week doing calisthenics or weights that I would have spent in a single day. I guess this is a much better ROI for my time. I threw in the walking and the heavy bag-mostly out of addiction to exercise -certainly the description in the 4 hour body suggests avoid adding anything. Maybe I should just stick to the plan. I have been getting 200 grams of protein religiously, most days it has been closer to 250 per day. Anyway up a half pound in two weeks-over a year this would work out to about 12 pounds of muscle. The geek to freak chapter in the book talks about a ten to 34 pound gain in 30 days. I was setting my sights a little higher, but tonight is a workout night.We will see what effect that has on tomorrows weigh in. I may still realize a bigger rebound. Last night I ate pasta. Pasta is my culinary nemesis. Whenever I eat some type of pasta my weight seems to go up by 3 to 5 pounds the next day.

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