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Saturday, September 3, 2011

aug 27-138, Sept 2-237

Total Push ups/Chins 366,929

If you check out my other blog you will notice that I have been whining about my lack of motivation.

My motivation and progress on my goal to reach one million chins ups and/or push ups have seemed to have been on the same trendline. Last night I had to force myself to go downstairs  to the chin up bar. I knew I needed to get in at least a solid half hour of wroking out. Just get those endorphins flowing so I could get re -addicted to pushing and chinning "up". Well I did do about a half an hour. Pounded out 237 push ups and chins. Okay it takes at least three days in a row to start a pattern going again. So today I need to pound out at least 200 push ups, or chins. We have guests coming over for dinner tonight -so I need to get some of these done early in the day- so I better get moving.

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